Non Maleficence

We avoid doing harm with our digital offerings.

We recognize that in many decisions regarding digital services, a compromise must be found between feasibility and potential risk. For important decisions, we thoroughly assess the advantages and disadvantages of the individual options. Humans are always at the center of this assessment. The guidelines of reliability, controllability and accountability help us to avoid damage.

We ensure the reliability of our digital offerings.

The reliability of our digital offerings is crucial. That's why we take care that our data processes and algorithmic systems always work as they should.


We maintain control over our data and algorithmic systems.

We keep our data and algorithmic systems in check and allow for human intervention at all times. We do not use systems whose functionality is so complex that they cannot be changed by a human operator.


We assign clear responsibilities for our digital offerings.

We develop transparent organizational processes to handle data and algorithmic systems. Within these processes, we create clear responsibilities. Moreover, we do not ignore negligent behavior and even take proactive measures to prevent it. Finally, we discuss these points with our business partners, so they establish accountable behavior as well.


Meet Avid

Avid is an investment manager who joined our company five years ago after working as a startup scout. He is always on the lookout for newcomers in the healthcare market with innovative ideas that could make for great opportunities.

Recently, a startup that uses AI to find and identify biomarkers for neurological diseases approached Avid with an excellent pitch. It seems their product would fit very well into the company's strategic portfolio.

As a result, Avid wants to present the startup to his manager as soon as possible.

To that end, Avid puts together a short pitch deck that includes financials, milestones, and other fundamental information about the startup.

What do you think?

(multiple answers possible)

In addition to the startup's finances and growth, what other requirements must be met for Merck to invest in the company and implement its product?

The product must be reliable and robust
The user interface must look appealing
Responsibilities must be clear
Potential harm must be minimized

Please complete the quiz above to move on. Select the correct answers and then click on submit.

Avid knows that at Merck, a collaboration is not only started on financial grounds. Potential business partners must also meet the company's high ethical standards.

So before meeting with his boss, Avid gets back in touch with the startup to ensure he can follow developments closely as they work together. He's especially interested in developments that will affect users.

Avid notices that the startup has implemented rigorous testing procedures to make sure that components are always reliable and error-free.

These procedures make Avid more confident about the collaboration. Both parties seem to be fully aware of the responsibility that comes with a product based on artificial intelligence.

Avid also remembers that when working with this kind of product, human intervention must always be possible to control and correct processes if necessary. He discussed this with the startup team, and they agree to implement the controllability principle at all times.

After this alignment meeting with the startup, Avid completes his pitch deck with his thoughts on digital ethics. He knows that the principle of minimizing harm does not only apply to Merck but also to its business partners. In the end, Avid's boss is impressed with the depth of the presentation and is immediately sold on the startup's product. Bravo, Avid!

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